Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Silent day.

Sunday February 13th 2011.

For the first time since I have been here today I have felt lonely and yet still so thankful that I am here in this beautiful place. I read a quote from mountaineer Reinhold Messner which does truly sum up how I feel when I look outside my door ‘It seems to me that I was restored to that time and that state when nature alone was God” That’s exactly it. I look out and see nothing but the natural world. Since I have arrived it has provided me with an ever constantly changing sea and sky. Icebergs come and go either end their days battered into small bits here or float out to be replaced by others. Some spectacular ones usually tantalizingly out towards the horizon but occasionally coming close enough for me to make out their contours. The smaller ones looking like pleasure boats on a lake jostle around waiting for me to forget the icy danger and step aboard. Sometimes the ravens do just that which makes me smile. I observed a small flat piece of ice the other morning which had a collection of bones and food scavenged I guess from the rubbish burning place further along. It looked like a small table set with luncheon and I am still wondering what creature had done this but it’s not likely that I will ever know. 
I photographed my own work and put things into my notebook. I had books to return to the library but unfortunately for me I forgot my glasses so was unable to spend time browsing today.
Coming back at around three I decided I would cook my chicken and have supper around six. I was like a child waiting for chocolate. It is the first time I have managed to get any green veg even frozen as this was. It was good although I am not sure how long the chicken had been deep frozen as it tasted of nothing really. After supper to I played Mama Mia again just for the sheer delight of watching Meryal Streep and Julie Walters. Where did that time go, I remember being like that in sixties. Amazing clothes, a figure to show them off and a healthy disrespect for anything that wasn’t fun, artistic, or interesting. Ah well it all fits the mood tonight. The moon is waxing and is casting an eerie light. It makes me shiver and I have locked my door. I almost expect one of the mythical Greenlandic monsters to show up at my door, or perhaps a polar bear sniffing around for food. Beathe told me the other day after they kill they put the paw up to the nose of the kill so that they can feel if it is still breathing. They won’t eat a kill if it is still living. 

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